Innate Foundations


Chiropractic care

At the heart of Chiropractic philosophy is the understanding that our bodies (like all biological organisms) are intelligent, self-healing, self-regulating entities. Guiding these processes is an Innate Intelligence which is itself an extension of the Universal Intelligence that gives the seemingly simple and beautiful order we observe to the infinite complexities of our universe.

A gardener, on looking upon a withered rose, does not ask what is wrong with the plant. Rather, the gardener understands that the plant is functioning normally in an environment that is somehow less than ideal. Perhaps it is too wet or too dry, or the amount of light is inappropriate. Maybe there are inadequate nutrients in the soil, or toxins or radiation are interfering with the plant's normal function.

Similarly, a Chiropractor recognizes that the causes of dis-ease in people are rooted in their traumas, their toxic exposures, and their thought processes. It is my desire to help patients understand that their wellbeing is a function of their histories, their behaviors, their diets, their activity levels, their psychology, and their social and spiritual relationships.

I do this through conversation, adjustments, instrument-assisted soft tissue modalities (Graston), kinesio taping, and education.


Like Chiropractic, hypnotherapy is widely misunderstood and misrepresented. They are also both non-invasive, highly effective, and well regarded among those who have used them. While hypnotherapy remains more on the fringe than does chiropractic, there are loads of studies supporting hypnotherapy's efficacy in everything from treating phobias to undergoing major surgery without chemical anesthesia.

The hallmark of hypnosis is the induction of a trance state. This is nothing more or less than a different state of mind from your normal waking consciousness. Zoning out to the repeating white lines on a nighttime highway, daydreaming, and watching a movie are all examples of trance states.

In Chiropractic philosophy, Innate Intelligence is the aspect of Universal Intelligence that guides all processes and interactions within living organisms. In a sense, hypnosis gives us a direct line to our innate intelligence. It gets the conscious filters out of the way. Our innate intelligence has access to all of universal intelligence - therefore access to all of human experience. That is a powerful tool for helping people make the shift often necessary for personal growth.

We are all interconnected, and we are all so much more than we realize. Hypnosis helps our unconscious mind draw on all that we are to affect changes in our lives. We can use it to change or eliminate habits, phobias or fears. It can help us gain greater control over our emotional states (anxiety, stress, guilt, fear), and it can help us in changing or setting goals and expectations. Hypnosis is not about relinquishing control. Rather, it is about seizing it.

Divorce support

I began this group both for myself, and for others in need of friendship and support during the divorce process. While the last 2 years have brought me grief and trials I never imagined I would experience, they have also brought me information and inspiration that I value greatly, and may have never otherwise found. They have sharpened within me my understanding of the value of community and relationship.

I welcome all individuals who are navigating the unpredictable, murky, and often lonely waters of recent separation or divorce. While no two situations are the same, there are certainly many aspects common to most divorces. In communicating with each other about these common grounds, we can find support in our community. We can gain new insights and new perspectives, new strategies for thinking about and processing the myriad aspects involved - the emotional, the familial, the physical, the legal, and the practical.

There is strength in numbers. When we are willing to open up and start a dialog, we find that we are not alone. We find that others have had similar experiences. We find that other people, even strangers, actually do care about us. We find that our experiences and insights can help others, sometimes in the most unexpected ways. We find strength, support, and love in a community that we may not have even realized we were part of.

For more information on my divorce support group, please feel free to call or email me at my contacts provided below, or on the Contact page.